Tokenisation & Listing
What can be tokenised
All financial assets represented by a legal structure can be tokenised:
Real Estate
Risk & Compliance always under control
Legal and monitoring structure encapsulated within smart contracts
Simplified and programmable KYC/KYB processes together with AML rules
Compliance automated and enforced across all operational functions
Monitoring of the entire security lifecycle including transfer policies
Why tokenisation
Tokens can be transferred 24/7
Every action can be automated
Each transfer takes seconds
Each operation is public
Limitless distribution
Open to secondary market
For tokenisation to work we believe that it must be necessary to provide a service blockchain agnostic, which uses public blockchains that respect community standards, is cross-chain and quickly interchangeable, and above all is adaptable to the variegated needs of its user.
Our platforms use Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon and Avalanche as standards since they ensure high standards of usability and programmability and are the most widely used in the community.
Ephelia's platform has been entirely developed in-house according to the strictest banking standards and allows for the integration of additional blockchains should the need arise.
Primary Market Listing
The asset to be tokenized must assume a legal structure that can ensure its conversion into a security and, therefore, its segregation.
It is necessary to officially issue such security and to define the economic rationale that will guarantee its value. The offering memorandum (in jargon, white paper) is approved.
During the tokenisation process, compliance and AML rules are defined and written into the Smart Contract together with transfer, settlement and custody rules. Through the oracle, access to external data and thus any pricing is regulated. The issuing protocols are those defined by the Capital Market & Technology Association (Switzerland).
The listing takes place through the proprietary platform, which offers all settlement and custody services as well as token auditing and promotion to its network of investors and partner platforms.
Listing your Security Token on a Secondary Market requires a similar structure to being listed on a Stock Exchange. Although the processes are simpler and the entry conditions are more affordable, the listing requires a lot of groundwork and, above all, the Secondary Market requires liquidity and a number of holders that can ensure active trading from the very first days on the market.
The technological and supervisory requirements (Nomad) are provided directly by Ephelia but the decision on listing remains the exclusive pertinence of the Secondary Market.
Ephelia operates only with regulated markets in primary jurisdictions that assure the issuer of the integrity and robustness of the project.
We are currently affiliated with the following secondary markets:
We are actively working to extend this list and especially to cover the Asian and US markets as well.